The eminence of the first 25 years of Independence!

Some argue that 25 years after independence, we Indians haven't accomplished much in terms of standing on our own as self reliant, Aatmanirbhar citizens. From then till today, we've squandered and lost a lot of time. Two generations have passed with nothing of great eminence taking place.

I, on the contrary believe that we as Indians have accomplished a great deal in the first quarter century, which we should never forget and be immensely proud of.
In this year, when we commemorate the 75th anniversary of our country's independence, it's important to remind ourselves of the milestones we've achieved since then.

Three years after independence, India gave itself a constitution to eternally boast of. It enshrines the value and freedom we cherish today. The country had its first national election two years later, in which every adult, rich or poor, literate or illiterate, had the right to vote. This is taken for granted nowadays, but it was a newfound freedom back then.

During those years, a number of educational centres were built, which served as the basis for further research. Five IITs, as well as famous research facilities such as the Indian Institute of Science, the Bhabha Research Centre, and the Indian Space Research Organisation, were established between 1950 and 1964.

The list goes on and on. From the Bhakra Nangal dam, Hindustan Aeronautics, the Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Bharat Heavy Electronics to steel plants, every field from politics to education, hospitals and democracy saw progress and development.
And, in this time of Covid 19, how can we forget and overlook the All India Institute of Medical research which was first established in 1948. It has looked after and saved countless lives to this day. 

Our democracy and the people of that time invested their soul, energy, blood, sweat and toil in the first 25 years to lay the foundation of this country which we are so proud of. Despite poverty, natural disasters, epidemics, and four wars with its neighbours, India rose to become a global power capable of dealing with any issue.

The work of building the nation is not over yet and must always keep going, but the purpose of this article is to urge Indians not to forget or undervalue what previous generations have accomplished and contributed to the making of this nation. We need to add to their efforts!


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