Let's Reclaim our lives once again

#ReclaimOurLives - Getting Covaxinated (COVID Vaccine) is important

From a spirited body free to roam,
To always staying at home.
From get together and leisure activities,
To panic, loneliness and anxiety.
We all in our homes are caged,
And this is the hardest challenge we have ever faced.
With Social Distancing, our sociability is dead,
This is the new normal - Times Ahead.

One of the Covid survivors while sharing his experience said that for eight days he was terrified of what the next day would bring to him. He could see his oxygen level falling with each passing day. Everyday he'd wake up feeling better, convinced that he'd beaten the disease, only to have the symptoms flare up again by the evening. He claimed that it was the most harrowing experience which cannot be survived by the unfit and the fainthearted. So, it is important to get yourself Covaxinated to avoid getting into the terrifying ordeal.

The vaccine interacts with our immune system and creates an antibody response so that we are protected and prepared to combat any illness without having to experience it. It is one of the most practical and safest preventive care measures available. No doubt, wearing masks and avoiding social gatherings reduces the chances of spreading the virus to others but these precautions are insufficient. Not everybody follows the rules put into place and as a consequence, it is important that each of us receives the requisite vaccinations. Taking the shot is crucial, especially as the country deals with its second wave of cases. The Government of India (GOI) has thoroughly checked the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. GOI has ensured that the vaccine is free of cost and has a comprehensive supply chain in place to administer to the large population. Despite all the efforts, the vaccination drive has been plagued by skepticism. We need to understand that Covid vaccination can assist in the production of herd immunity and hence can help in entirely eradicating this disease worldwide.

My message here is straightforward. The vaccines approved by the regulators are both safe, reliable, and essential to get over this pandemic economically and socially. Therefore, if every citizen pledges to get vaccinated, then we will surely come to an end of the COVID pandemic which will halt the growing negative impact the virus is having on education, economy, employment and other activities of the society. We will be able to return to a normal society without social distancing, masks, or anxiety. We would once again be able to enjoy our everyday life, family activities, work, education and take family vacations without having to think about the consequences even once. Instead of Namaste, we can lovingly hug each other. Instead of virtual holiday experiences, we can have actual ones.

So, it's as plain as that: We'll Once Again Reclaim Our Lives.


  1. Brilliant way to spread awareness and the correct information!


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