Teaching of the Holocaust and of Genocides of the 20th century in order to prevent extremism, genocide and mass violence

There have been numerous wars and combats in the past, but among all these, WORLD WAR II had harsh implications like mass destruction on the whole world for that matter. There have been innumerable accounts of deadliest events taking place during the World War II - one of them being the Holocaust which led to a mass violence with the deliberate killing of six million Jewish by the Nazi Germany with the only intention of exterminating them.

On reading about this I felt that this was an issue that required attention and was needed to be transformed. Since many decades we have been trying to follow the political slogan “NEVER AGAIN” and have been making an effort to never let such kind of maltreatment happen again, but even today the question: “How can genocide be put of?” has not got a solution yet. I strongly feel that education can play a practical role in societies still struggling with the legacies of mass violence and extremism. Educating people about the history of holocaust and genocide will help them understand the key concepts and impact of history on us. This approach will help in sensitizing the society about the fragility of democracy, human rights, prevention of racism, anti-semitism, and developing mutual respect between people from different traditions and races. Education works upon the sixth sense of humans i.e. the mind which assists in realizing the need and importance of an inclusive society. In this way we would be able to recognize how to prevent such kind of violence and inequality if it may happen sometime in the future, thus creating a better and a safer world.

It is rightly said that education prepares the ground for changes to be brought about in the society.


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