The most important Gandhian value which the world should follow today

If at a purchase counter in a shop, we pay for the clothes and mistakenly the shopkeeper returns 100 rupees extra to us as a change. What would our instant thoughts be like? Our instant thoughts would be to keep the money with us because we are being profited by this. Why would we even have the thought of giving the money back?

Now, if Gandhiji would have been there in our place, would he return the money or find his benefit in this situation and abstain from giving it back?
He would not look for his gain in this, but he would walk on the path of Satya i.e. truth and integrity. He would give the extra money back to the shopkeeper because of the great values and the purity he has in his heart. He would not want the shopkeeper to be at a loss. Even though this is a small, insignificant act but is a valuable one. I feel that the Gandhian Value the whole world needs to follow today is Satya (truth). Truth is what fills up anyone with a lot of faith, respect and undoubted trust towards us, but today, we do not have that kind of trust in each other because of the lost value of integrity and humanity. 

You know, we all have the values of honesty and Satya in us, but the only thing is that, it's lost somewhere. We don't follow these values due to short term benefits, like getting good marks in exams, etc. but in the long run we will be at loss (for sure!). Our duty is to not only remember Gandhiji as a pure soul who was very firm on his values but to also implement all his teachings in our lives, because that is when they will have an impact. I wish to see a world with every citizen following the path of Satyagraha, with everyone holding onto truth ALWAYS. 

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. To me Satya is of paramount importance. I have always walked on the famous quote said by Gandhiji: BE TRUTHFUL, GENTLE AND FEARLESS. Throughout the course of my life, I have always walked on the trail of truth and have remained fearless, because no matter what, truth is what always wins. Even though the way of truth has some initial obstacles and difficulties, ultimately truth prevails and is valued the most. Today as I write this, I want all the readers to not just read this, but to take a pledge to never let Gandhiji’s values down and to always keep his memory alive by following what he preached. That is what really matters. 


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