The hidden LOVE

Those who do not have the essence of Love in their life, can't expect anyone to be near them.

Wherever their is LOVE, success and wealth goes with it. 

    Once there was a women who came out of her house and saw three old men with long beard sitting in her courtyard. She had never met them before so she was not able to recognize any of them. She asked " I don't think I know you, but you would be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat". They asked "Ma'am is your husband home?" She replied " No, he is out right now". "Then we can't come" they said.  They waited till the time his husband came home.  In the evening when her husband came home, she told them about what had happened in the morning. He told her to go and tell them that " I am home, and you are requested to come in. The women went out and invited them in. One of the men said, that "we do not go into a house together. The women asked " Why is that so?" One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth, " he said pointing out to one of his friends and said pointing out to another one " He is success, and I am Love". Then he added, " Now please go inside and ask your husband, whom he wants to invite in his house. The women went inside and told her husband about what they had said.  Hearing this, he got overjoyed. He said, then let us invite Wealth into our house and let him come and fill our house with wealth. His wife disagreed. She said " Let us invite success to our home". Their daughter-in-law who was listening from the corner of the house jumped in and suggested them to invite Love to the house. It would fill the whole house up with love. "Let us go with her advice and call Love in" said the husband to the wife. He told her wife to go out and invite Love into our house as a guest. She went out and asked" Who among you is Love?' Please come in and be our guest.

Love got up and started walking towards the house. The other two all got up and followed him. Seeing all the 3 in the house, the lady was surprised and asked Wealth and success: " I had invited Love. Why have both of you come in?" Both of them replied together: " If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would have stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever he goes we go with him. Wherever there is love, there is also Wealth and success. 


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