Only Vegans....Why?

 All people should not become Vegetarian

You all would be thinking, this is such a minor, unimportant topic. Even if everyone became Vegetarian, how will this change, even make a difference or even matter. This might look like a small topic that does not seek for any debating, but if we go deeper to the root cause and look deep into this matter then it can have a huge impact on our country. 

 India is a diverse country with various eating habits and beliefs. Some people residing in India are Non-vegetarians, some are Vegetarians and some are Eggetarians. Some people belonging to specific religion may not find eating chicken as a great idea. Some might prefer eating non vegetarian food and some might only prefer dairy products. So, we cannot limit their eating habits, what they should eat and what they shouldn’t. They are the ones on whom this should be left to.  We should have a variety in everything. This is what India is, after all: Diversified. 

Also, if everyone started becoming Vegetarians then slowly the existence of meat, chicken, eggs would start vanishing from this world which would not be a good sign. Fish, eggs, meat, and other meat products have their own health benefits. If all start becoming Vegetarians, then there would be a huge food shortage. You want to know how? – In India there are limited number of fields and farms that bear fruits and vegetables. We only have 14 crores of farms in India and if everyone were to change to Vegetarian then the food that will be produced will not satisfy all our needs. Some people in some regions might not get the supply of vegetables due to limited availability. Some might die due to hunger. 14 crore farms are not sufficient for such a populous country. In addition to this, meat and all other chicken products provide us with a lot of protein which helps us in leading a life without any major health problems.

No doubt, vegetables and fruits provide us with a lot of immunity and protection, but it is not able to satisfy our body's need of iron, fats, and protein. Meat is the most convenient protein source available. It provides us with healthy saturated fats. It is the best source of Vitamin B12. It enhances the functioning of our nervous and immune system and provides us with a better source of iron than a Vegetarian diet.

Recently, this was seen in an Indian Bollywood movie 'Dangal' which was about two girls who were practicing to become great ideals in Wrestling. Their whole family was a Vegetarian, but they started intaking a Non-vegetarian diet as their body required protein, fats and iron to have the energy to practice hard. 

Hence, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian have their own benefits. None of them can work alone and provide strength. Both of them are necessary.
Both of them complement each other.


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