Gandhi Forever

“There is music, art, economy and joy even in the spinning wheel.”  

This painting depicts Ahimsa and World peace which are among the two beliefs Gandhiji followed.

Symbolically, the white bird represents peace and tranquility in society, while the leaves surrounding the Earth symbolize different countries with diverse religions living together harmoniously. The lower part of the painting portrays human beings reaching out to help those in need, while the elements of fire and water represent the challenging situations surrounding people.

The underlying message conveyed by this artwork is that even though Gandhi is no longer with us, his teachings on world peace, harmony, and non-violence continue to be sought after and followed by society. Gandhi's influence endures, guiding and nurturing individuals to uphold moral values and interpersonal skills such as compassion, selflessness, respect, truthfulness, peace, love, gentleness, and kindness.



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