A girl who stands out!

 My candle burns at both ends. It will not last the night. But ah my foes and oh my friends it gives a lovely light.

Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short-story writer, poet, screenwriter, and fighter pilot. His books have sold more than 250 million copies worldwide. His works include James and the Giant Peach, The Witches, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The BFG, The Twits, George's Marvelous Medicine, Tales of the Unexpected.

Today, I will narrating the story Matilda whose author is Roald Dahl.

Matilda Wormwood is a young girl who is extraordinarily brilliant. At a young age, she can solve complex math problems in her head and read books that are meant for adults. Now can anyone here solve this problem in their mind 1987+765-7856*21.... And now can you tell me the meaning of the word Doldrums or aggrandize....That’s tough Right. But this was like a piece of cake for Matilda. 

But unfortunately Matilda had grown up with parents who did not give her the attention and love. They thought of her as useless. Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood and their son, Michael, are quite different from Matilda, who prefer to watch television than read books like her. They do not understand her, and often treat her badly. They do not let her go to the libraries to get books and neither let her study. They always persuade her to watch Television But Matilda who is in love with books never loses her hope and plays tricks on her family for the way they treat her.  She replaces her father's hair tonic with platinum hair dye and uses a parrot to convince them that their house is haunted.

Matilda starts her school late and is placed in the lowest form in Crunchem Hall Primary School. Matilda's teacher, Miss Honey, is a wonderful, sweet charming woman, and she immediately recognizes Matilda's intelligence and wants to move her into the highest form, where she can show her maximum potential. Unfortunately Crunchem Hall is run by a terrible woman named Miss Trunchbull. She is massive and has been a former Olympic athlete for Britain. She absolutely dislikes children and treats the students horribly, and gives them terrible punishments such as the "Chokey," a thin closet with walls made of nails where students have to stand straight for hours when they misbehave.

Miss Trunchbull dislikes Matilda and does not move her to the highest form, so Miss Honey keeps her in her class, and gives her advanced books to study while the rest of the class learns basic lessons. Meanwhile, Matilda befriends the other students in school and learns about the ways they could trouble Miss Trunchbull. Once Miss Trunchbull calls a school assembly, and makes a boy named Bruce eat an entire giant chocolate cake on his own in front of everyone as punishment for stealing a slice of hers. To her surprise he does it without getting sick or quitting which was like a small victory for the students.

Miss Trunchbull comes into Miss Honey's class for one period every Thursday to take over, and she terrorizes the students with difficult math and spelling questions and punishes them with abuse and assaults them when they cannot answer. Matilda's friend Lavender plans to take revenge, he sticks a large newt in her drinking glass. Miss Trunchbull blames Matilda for placing the newt there, even though she did not do it, and Matilda gets so angry that a never seen  power comes over her and she manages to knock the water glass over with her mind, pouring the newt over Miss Trunchbull.

Matilda is frightened by her newfound power, and when she demonstrates it to Miss Honey, the teacher invites her to her cottage to talk. Matilda is horrified when she sees Miss Honey's cottage, a tiny place which was hardly fit for living. Miss Honey reveals her life story to Matilda: She said that her parents died when she was young, and left her with her cruel aunt, who bullied her and forced her to work. This terrible aunt took every cent of her salary, so she couldn't afford to live anywhere but this tiny, shaggy cottage. At last, Miss Honey reveals who this cruel aunt is: Any guesses who is it. Yes. It is the cruel Miss Trunchbull.

Matilda comes up with a plan to get back at Miss Trunchbull and help Miss Honey. She hones her power until she can make objects move in the air at her will, and then the following week when Miss Trunchbull came in to teach their class, she made the chalk move on its own and wrote a message to Miss Trunchbull. The message said Agatha, this is Magnus and you'd better believe it. Agatha give my Jenny back her house. Give my Jenny her wages. Then get out of here. If you don’t I will come and get you. I will come and get you like you got me. I am watching you Agatha. Miss Trunchbull believed that the message had come from Magnus, Miss Honey's father. Panicked, she disappeared, moving out of his house and leaving Crunchem Hall.

Miss Honey moves in immediately, and Matilda becomes her frequent visitor. Under the new head teacher, Matilda is moved up to the highest form, where she finds that because her mind is challenged with hard work, she has lost the ability. She discusses this with Miss Honey but decides that she doesn't mind even if it is gone. When she returns home that day she sees her parents and brother in a hurry, packing up to move to Spain because her father had finally been caught for being involved with criminals who sell stolen cars. Miss Honey offers to adopt Matilda so that she can stay and live with her, and Matilda's parents, who never cared about her, agreed to the plan and both of them lived happily ever after. And that’s where the story ends.

All’s well that ends well.


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