Who is wise? Who is strong? Who is wealthy? Who deserves respect?

We often say, I am the best, I am the wisest, I am the strongest or the wealthiest or the most respected.
How do you know that?
What qualities do you possess that make you such a person?
We always think of ourselves as an important personality, but do we actually have the qualities that make us one?
Have you ever thought about this?
If no, close your eyes and give it a thought.

Have you heard of Rabbi Ben Zoma? He was the interpreter of the Jewish scriptures.
In one of the programs, He was asked: "Who is Wise?" 
Rabbi said – “He who always finds something to learn from others is the wise.
She a vivid explanation given in such simple, straightforward words. Right.

He was asked again
“Who is strong?”
“The man who is capable of dominating himself” responded the Rabbi

“Who is wealthy”
“He who knows the valuable treasures he has – his days and hours of life. The one who values and treasures his precious life is the wealthy", responded the Rabbi

“Who deserves respect”
“He who respects himself, and his neighbours” , responded the Rabbi

One listener in the program commented and said “These things are all so obvious, we all know these. What’s new in this?”

The Rabbi concluded by saying – “That's why they are so difficult to be observed in daily life and instances. These things are simple but cannot be inculcated and observed so easily.”


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