You have more than enough

There lived a rich family of four with the mother, father and two young boys. Even though they had a lot in life, they complained all day long. The children would complain of not having a Limousine (a fancy car) and a home theatre.

On the other hand, there was a very poor family who were barely able to make both the ends meet. Even though they did not have enough resources to satisfy their needs, they were happy and contented with all they had. They always prayed and thanked God for all they he had given him and never complained because they knew that there were many others living in worsen conditions than them.

At this point, I am remined of a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi- “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”

We need to stop complaining. Whatever has been given, learn to accept and appreciate it. Be happy with whatever you have. It is enough to meet with your needs.

The life we have is full of choices. Do you remember that there was a time when you used to pray for something you didn't have? It could have been a degree or an achievement. Till the time your goal was not fulfilled, you kept praying to God sincerely for it. Right. But once you got what you wanted, you started taking it for granted.

We need to be thankful and show gratitude towards God for blessing us. The sense of gratitude is a choice that doesn't come to us so easily.

Today, we could be grumbling about our friends but once we had prayed to God for them.
We could be regretting our relationship today but there was a time we were dying for it.
There are endless number of things we once prayed for, that today we take for granted and do not think it as important anymore.

If we want, we can find a million reasons to find faults for what hasn't been given to us.
If we want, we can find a million reasons to love life and be grateful for what we have.

Choose wisely


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