It’s your ATTITUDE, more than your APTITUDE, that determines your ALTITUDE!

A girl met with an accident at the age of 16 and her leg had to be amputated as it became gangrenous. She had two option 1) to indulge in self-pity 2) accept the faith and rise-up. She went for the second, she fought all the struggles she endured in her life and turned the difficulties of her life, to stepping stones for success. She is Sudha Chandran. As you all must be aware, she is an Indian film and television actress and an accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer.  She was able to achieve this as she had the right attitude i.e. determination, tenacity and above all plenty of enthusiasm.

It’s your ATTITUDE, not your APTITUDE, that determines your ALTITUDE!

I repeat it’s your ATTITUDE, not your APTITUDE, that determines your ALTITUDE!

Your attitude, your approach is everything.

And to be successful in any sphere of life we need to have the right attitude, must approach any task or job with a strong willpower, positive mental attitude and zeal.

It is important for us to have skills, training, and experience but we need to put attitude above aptitude. We can come fully equipped for a role but without real enthusiasm our best skill will also count very little and we will not be able to portray our best. I have always believed that we can train somebody and give them the tools, but we cannot give them the right attitude. Getting the right attitude comes from within when you have a strong will power and a strong inner wish to change your attitude.

One day, a professor entered the classroom and announced a surprise test. Hearing this, all students got anxious and started thinking about what would come up in the test. He gave them a white paper with just a black dot in the center and told the students to write a few lines about they see on the paper. All the students had written about the black dot, mentioning its position, size, intensity, etc. The professor asked all of you wrote about the black dot. None of you wrote about the white part of the paper. WHY?? The same thing happens in our lives too. We all have a white paper to learn from, opportunities to grasp, yet we always focus on the dark spots, and past unhappy failures and let our yesterday take too much of our today. Our past failures put us down, and do not let us arrive back stronger and more determined. They break us apart, and it takes years to join again with all the courage, and motivation. We all know the fact that our past is not going to come back to us. So, the best thing that we can do is to live our present. It is the most significant time of our life. Shut the past, cut the future, live in the present.  Don’t ruin the precious today, by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go. We have so many reasons to celebrate. However, we simply limit our horizons by focusing on just the dark spots – our disappointments, our frustrations, our fears, our failures and anxieties, things that bother us etc. Though the dark spots are quite small as compared to the white paper, the good things that we have in our lives, yet they disturb our minds and do not let us think positively. We need to try and focus on the brighter side of life and let positivity rover over all our thoughts. This is the key to reach great altitudes. A positive attitude leads to positive thinking, positive thinking leads to positive action, positive action leads to a positive outcome, and success is nothing but a positive outcome of our efforts.

Once there was a half full, half empty glass of water on the table. An optimist noticed the glass and said, “it’s half full”. A pessimist noticed the same glass and said, “it’s half empty”.

This is the difference between an optimistic who is hopeful and confident about the future and the pessimist who tends to see the worst aspect of everything and believes that the worst will happen.

There are two types of people in this world, People who take the glass half empty and the people who take the glass half full. Those who take the glass as half empty are just setting themselves up for failure because of their negative attitude of always seeing the glass as half empty, never seeing the glass as half full, never seeing the good, the positives. Muniba Mazari, the iron lady of Pakistan has rightly quoted “When you think that the glass is half empty, always remember that the glass Is half full!

Always focus on the positives & let go of the negatives. Achieving success is easy, if we believe in the power of positivity,

Steve jobs was given up by his biological parents for adoption, but was he pushed to negativity.  Problems are common but the attitude makes all the difference. With such kind of an event in our life, we all will be easily pushed into the negative, however the incredible Steve jobs chose to focus on the positive, he started loving his adopted parents, changed his attitude, his view point towards his parents and did what he loved to do, computers which kept him positive. We should focus all of our energy and dedication on the positive things in our life, and always do what interests us the most because we will find fascination in doing it, and we will put all your efforts in that task.  Most importantly Never think negative, because it drains all our positive energy, and our enthusiasm towards life.

John. C. Maxwell has rightly said “Change is inevitable, it is certain to happen. The key to real success and to reach great altitudes is to have the  ability to adapt to change, and that will never happen if we approach every challenge with a negative attitude like: I cannot do this; I am not prepared too well. People with the right mental attitude always take something positive from a difficult situation and constantly look for ways of improving and developing. We need to Stop saying… “WE’VE ALWAYS DONE IT THIS WAY”, so what, even if you always do this way, change it this time, try another approach and then adapt to this change. This will make us grow.

We must understand and put quality over quantity. Working full day long till late, will not guarantee success. Our punctuality, our discipline, our enthusiasm, compassion, and patience will assure us to get fame and glory, but always remember. Be a little more appreciative towards your work, do not take it for granted and work with all your mind, and soul.

Once a teenager was with his father on his way back home, in the bus. The teenager was acting a bit weirdly. He was saying “Father look at this. This is such a beautiful flower. Wow! This waterfall looks so magnificent. This lush green grass looks so glorious and majestic. The nature is so splendid and breath taking, isn’t it. His father replied – Oh yes dear.

During this conversation, the passengers travelling were a bit confused, as to how was such a grown-up acting. Has he never seen such a scenery before? To know the reason behind this, the very inquisitive passengers, asked his father - Is your son OK. Why is he acting so weirdly? Has he never seen such kind of scenery ever before?

His father said, He was blind since he was born and had a dull life and had never seen such kind of admirable scenes before. The reason behind him acting so bizarrely, is that he has just got his eyesight, and this is the first scenery he has ever seen, so he is excited, and is finding this impressive. The passengers felt sorry for him and apologized to his father for wrongly making their judgements.

Along with the right attitude we should also understand the intentions behind the actions before making our judgements. We need to understand the why, before we judge the what.

Measure people by the size of their hearts. Have hope, respect others, fail big, take risks, never give up, Never loose. Consider failure as a blessing and work harder. No matter how many times you fail, never let yourself get crushed, become strong, overcome the fear, and come back. From I don’t know, say “Let me figure it out”. Be the person who realizes that there is a lot happening in the world, and there are oceans of possibilities waiting for me. Being strong is not wrong. Always learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. Always remember, all change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and it’s gorgeous in this end. Never give up your passion, change the impossible to I’m possible.

Stay hungry Stay Foolish


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