Enrollment in Defence services is the best way to make good citizens.

    You all must have heard this line that in order to fight COVID virus we need to have a strong immunity. But who needs to care for our health? And who needs to work towards maintaining it? It is us. We all need to protect our body from being attacked by any diseases. 

In the similar way the defence forces protect our country from external attacks and at the same time we need good, responsible, disciplined, and selfless citizens to help make the nation progressive and strong internally. If you check, all these are the traits of a great defence personnel.  For this reason we should enroll ourselves in the defence services, as it teaches us to fight for and protect our rights, and stand strong against all odds. It helps in inculcating moral values and discipline in day to day life which would make us more efficient at what we do and hence will contribute to the growth of our country. Different regiments in the forces communicate the practice of “Unity in Diversity”, real meaning of brotherhood and friendship which is important to maintain harmony in the country. The teaching of patriotism, selflessness, and positivity will help us in overall personality development with a wide range of interests and hobbies and we will emerge as good citizens. Enrolling in the defence services will ensure that there would be strength, unity and power with no inequality amongst any caste in the country. In the end I would like to say that Defence service will help us in becoming a person full of life values with an increased mental and physical health and will help prepare us for unexpected situations.

“We can make this nation into a stronger one”


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