Inculcating the values of life

Everything you THINK… everything you FEEL… every action you take… is because of your beliefs and VALUES.

You may not be aware of it… You may not be conscious of it… but your values shape your decisions… and your decisions shape your life.

Incident 01: If at a purchase counter in a shop you pay for the clothes and mistakenly the shopkeeper returns 100 rupees extra to you as a change. What would your instant thoughts be like? Would you return the money or find your benefit in this situation and abstain from giving it back? Give the extra money back to the shopkeeper and always remember that your values determine your thoughts and depict the style of your upbringing. This act would surely fill up the shopkeeper with a lot of faith and respect towards you because of your small but valuable act. I am sure next time you visit the shop he/she will give you the best deals on your shopping. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.  

Incident 02: The mercury is at its peak. The heat is unbearable. It is a day full of scorching heat and humidity. The sun is bright and burning. It is as hot as the fire. The earth is dry and parched. The hot winds are blowing. The summer day is becoming intolerable. The walls and floors are burning. The wind is silent and motionless, the trees are stationary. Your body is getting uneasy and is wanting a lot of water for dehydration. You are calmly lying in your rooms with AC’s ON and getting yourself the best comfort. When suddenly there is a knock at your main door, you are feeling lazy and not wanting to go to open the door in the heat. But you persuade yourself to look on who is there at this time when there is loo all around. To your astonishment, it is the postman who is working at this point of the day in sweat and is delivering letters. On seeing the sweat on his face and his wanting for some water. You rush out and offer him a glass of cold water. He stretched out his hand drank the full glass and gave blessings in return. We should be kind, generous and compassionate towards all living beings and should respect humanity

Values act as a driving force in our lives. They are the positive teachings which help us in treading on the right path in life. They are the basic beliefs that guide and motivate our attitudes or actions.  Values give the right directions to our life and tells us how we should behave and act in different day-to-day situations  They determine what sort of a person we are, the manner in which we treat ourselves and other living beings and depict our principles in life, influence our everyday choices, actions and plans. A person is always known by the values they possess and the attitude they have. They provide the general guidelines for conduct and improves the quality of our life. These values illuminate our path and make our life more meaningful.

Values should be the topmost priority in every individual’s life and hence we should look up to our elders and parents and imbibe the values they possess. There are some core values which are essential for us to imbibe for living a life with a purpose .

To name a few -

  • Being polite, compassionate and honest
  • As a famous quote says , the life well lived is one that is lived in such a way that it makes a difference to someone else’s life. Making a positive contribution to the society
  • Respecting humanity
  • Be trustworthy
  • Being disciplined
  • Having a positive attitude
  • Being appreciative towards all we have

Remember, your personal value system is a list of values ranked by how strongly you are emotionally invested in each of your social identities.

It has been rightly said by the Mahatma, the Father of our Nation - “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny"


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