A Journey from Failure to Success - 2
Part 2
is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so
cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you
fail by default.”
~ J.K. Rowling
From being a jobless single mother to being the author of one
of the bestselling fiction series of Harry Potter books, J.K.
Rowling became the first female billionaire author.
However, do you think, it happened overnight?
Was it as easy as a piece of cake?
If so, anyone could be a well-known author, a successful
programmer, a popular pioneer or a well-off businessman.
She faced rejection many a times but constantly strived
for success. She failed to make an impact on the audience
with her first book, suffered the setback of a failed
marriage, had the pressure to raise a baby daughter single handedly.
Finally losing her mother was a major blow for her and she sank
in depression. She was not even succeeding as an
English teacher.
Her attempts in writing were not proving successful and
were not being accepted by publishers. She was slogging to spare out
time for pursuing her writing career full time.
Despite numerous holding backs and rejections, she didn’t lose
hope as she found comfort and solace only in writing. She
knew deep down that she was made for writing. She resumed her passion again
but this time with a resolution of not being disheartened and with the
understanding that “We have to invite opportunities; it does not come
knocking at our doors”. She realized that the little she had in
life was enough for her to be happy.
She acknowledged that there was nothing left to be
afraid of and to be depressed. With this determination Rowling
finally finished with some chapters of her first book” Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and posted this script to a
publisher. The publisher without even reading the whole manuscript and
understanding the idea she wanted to convey, denied the publishing of this
book. She sent it to another publisher. Again, the answer was no. After
sending her manuscript to 12 different publishers and getting rejected by every
single one, her mind was filled up with the only one though – rejection
and failure. Even though she began losing her confidence in her book, her
firm belief that “when one door closes another door opens” kept
her going.
Finally, there was a ray of hope and the editor at Bloomsbury Publishing
company accepted the manuscript.
editor’s daughter loved the opening chapters of the book and
started to read the whole thing. Her daughter’s interest in the story made him agree
to publish the first JK Rowling’s novel. Once Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone was published, she became world famous. Her
practice, fine skill at writing, her newfound inner strength to
continue despite the rejections made her strong and she presented
before the world an unforgettable masterpiece in the form of Harry Potter
series and the gigantic world of the wizards. This world will always
have a special place in our hearts and will continue to amuse the forth coming
Even though she was going through a tough time in her personal life
but worked constantly on writing because that was the only thing
she believed in, the most.
She knew that if she continued her work against ALL ODDS, she would end
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