Mystique Landscape of Bihar

A state in Eastern India, the third-largest state by population and the twelfth-largest by territory is the place with:

·  The Oldest University-The Nalanda University
·  Place where two of the most popular religions- Buddhism and Jainism originated and prospered
·  The birthplace of the founder of 0 -Aryabhatta
·  Home to many ancient emperors - Maurya and Gupta dynasty
·  A home to many revolutionary movements
·  A place with a rich historical background and iconic monuments - Tomb of Shershah Suri.
·  A place with the highest Production of Litchis

Bihar is most famously known for its natural and beautiful landscapes. The wilderness of these landscapes with its lush green grass and snow capped mountains makes this place mystique, magical, and eye catching which is captured beautifully in my portrait. 

My portrait depicts the fresh aroma of the morning grass, the sight of the green plants covered with drops, trees swaying from side to side with the mighty wind, the mountains and the blue and pure Ganges flowing across the forest.



  1. A beautiful painting, and even more beautiful is your description of the scene.


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