
Showing posts from February, 2022

Territories on Moon should be marked for resources rather than being free for all, as on Antarctica

In the words of Ann Mclain, we humans were built for exploration, and we were built to do it together.   Helium-3... molecular water... hydrogen Strides in space exploration have confirmed that the moon and other celestial bodies are gold mines of rare and essential resources which are crucial for space exploration. The tapping of these valuable resources on the moon would be highly beneficial for the advancement of mankind.  However, when tapping these resources, it is highly imperative to ensure that it safeguards both the interest of mankind and the commercial interest of the country putting in the money and manpower.  I strongly believe that considering the quantum of effort and investment required in moon exploration, treaties like the Moon Agreement, which are on similar lines to Antarctica treaty may not work on the Moon. Why would a country put in their efforts when they know that the benefits will be reaped by all including countries who did not add anything...

India needs jobs! That should be the first priority of every budget

Discussing the Union budget is one of the most important agendas in India and there are passionate debates among politicians to ensure that proper allocation is made. After all, it contributes to the stabilization of the economy. Every year, the world’s three major democracies, India, US and UK, follow a ritual and present 1–2-hour budget speeches. They talk about the economic situation and the government’s priorities and intentions for the coming year.  In each of the budget addresses over the previous decade, the US President has mentioned the phrase ‘jobs’ 20 times, and the British chancellor stated it 15 times. But in India’s budget speeches, subjects linked to jobs were largely overlooked. This shows the priorities of every country and how India is clearly misguided. India’s unemployment problem Every year, the presentation of the Union budget is accompanied by spectacular speeches. All the latest government plans, tax reforms, and so on are covered and brought to our att...

With the growing advent of technology, is seeing still believing?

Last year, in November, Chinese army deceived India by morphing content and publicising images showing "surrendered Indian soldiers captured by Chinese PLA crouching in humiliating postures". Later, it was found out that neither the video nor the photographs were real. India neutralised the Chinese narrative about who controlled Galwan by releasing realistic, authentic images of the Indian army performing its New year flag raising exercise. After thoroughly examining the photos, Indian defence analysts concluded that the texture of the mountains in the footage given by China did not correlate to the geographic parameters of Galwan. Moreover the PLA troops resembled Chinese movie stars clearly indicating that it was staged and not real. Apart from that, the observers noted that the images of ostensibly supplicant Indians in some previous Chinese photos appeared to be photoshopped. It seems as if AI-driven 'deep fakes' are the next big tool of the Chinese disinformation...

The Unexpected capabilities - Venus in a New Light

NASA's Parker Solar probe has successfully taken its first visible light images of the surface of Venus, finally capturing the red hot glow of the planet's surface which could prove to be really helpful to understand the minerals and heat features on the surface of this mysterious planet. Venus also called the 'Evil twin' is smothered in thick clouds and obstructs all the visible light coming from it. Back in the 1990, NASA's Magellan mission did create the first maps of the planet based on radar and infrared images, however they were not visible to the human eye. Today, NASA's Parker solar probe (WISPR) instrument has been able to photograph the entire night side of the planet in wavelengths of visible spectrum. WISPR was designed to see faint features in the solar wind coming from the Sun. Various scientists had expected that the probe would only be able to capture the clouds, however, WISPR saw through the planet. The longest visible wavelengths, bordering th...

Working out the Uttar Pradesh's party manifestoes

The politics of Uttar Pradesh is dominated by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Samajwadi Party (SP), the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), and the Azad Samaj Party (ASP). Looking at the manifestoes of the Bhartiya Janata party and the Samajwadi party, it is found that infrastructure developments, farm issues, unemployment, better law, safety, subsidies and agriculture are the main issues. However, just through this analysis, it is highly difficult to predict which party will form the government; nonetheless, the manifestos make it obvious that concerns about jobs, safety, and a better standard of life combined with effective implementation will determine victory. Parties will victor if people are given all the opportunities to live a healthy, creative and dignified life.  It is important for the political parties to know the problems that people face and raise the key issues they want to be addressed. That's what will get them votes and support.